For help with your payment, please visit our Support page
The core of our approach to privacy and data protection. These principles guide our organization in every step of its data governance and its growth as a global payments and financial services provider.
You should understand what personal information is collected, for what purposes and understand how we apply our privacy principles. PayU wants you to be in control of and make your own choices about your personal information.
We collect only the personal information that we need from you to provide our products and services. We embrace privacy by design and by default into the data lifecycle.
As a payments and financial services business, ensuring your personal information is kept safe, secure and confidential is critical to us. We take all reasonable measures to make sure that your personal information is properly protected, including when we need to work with third parties.
We believe in fair and ethical practices when processing your personal information. We keep your personal information only for as long as we need it and strive to delete it afterwards per local law.
For help with your payment, please visit our Support page
For help with your payment, please visit our Support page
For any privacy related questions or to report a privacy concern, simply click on contact us in the banner below