Innovate your business with PayU's payment solutions

All payment solutions

  • Cards payment

    We enable you to accept a range of payment methods across a multitude of currencies. Offering card transactions online can result in conversion levels of up to 95%.

  • PayU Mobile

    Our mobile payments solution allows customers to make purchases using a card or bank transfer quickly and easily with one click on their phone.

  • Payment link

    We offer merchants the option to send an e-mail with a payment link to their customer in order to confirm their order, or to notify or remind them of the transaction.

Enhance your business further with:

  • Cross-border payments PayU Enterprise

    We operate across 18 markets, so with one integration you can reach up to 2.3 billion consumers.

  • Sandbox testing

    We provide a sandbox test environment so you can test our payments processing on your website for free before proceeding. Find out how PayU can change your business.