Financial Prosperity Barometer

As we see the global impact our work has, we need to continually rise to the challenge of financial inclusion. Throughout this report, we unearthed views on what it means to be prosperous and looked at how access to financial services impacts views.

Understanding perceptions of prosperity

As we realise the global impact our work has, we need to continually rise to the challenge of financial inclusion and education. Using the technology of today, and tomorrow, we can truly create a world without financial borders where everyone can prosper.

Key findings

Over 75% of respondents beleive that financial services can help people plan for future prosperity.

60% of respondents feel financial services have already helped them to become more prosperous.


50% of people surveyed believe you cannot be prosperous without access to financial services.

For over 30% of respondents ‘good health for friends and family’ is key for ‘prosperity’.

Only 25% of respondents feel that ‘being wealthy’ in itself is necessary for prosperity.

Nearly one in ten respondents declare that they don’t have access to any major financial service.

What did the 10,000 people we surveyed say?

Global Prosperity Map

Click on a country to learn more about its population’s perception of access to financial services and prosperity